Limited Kordon Product Warranty

Each home that has Kordon installed is protected by the Limited Kordon Product Warranty. Click here to download and print a copy of the document for your record.
The Limited Kordon Product Warranty covers your home for termite entry and damage, which occurs only if the Kordon product has been proven to fail, as evidenced by termites having entered the building by penetrating the Kordon product.
If Kordon deters concealed termite access as it is designed to do, but termites enter and cause damage by working around the termite system (bridging), the home will not be covered by the Limited Kordon Product Warranty.
The Limited Kordon Product Warranty is subject to annual Timber Pest Inspections. (Any one claim is limited to $250,000.00.)
As a homeowner you’re protected for six (6) years from the date of installation of Kordon, as long as annual timber pest inspections have been carried out, or within the first year of installation.
Without limiting consumers' rights, Envu will provide its own remedies equivalent to those remedies in the consumer guarantee provisions of the Australian consumer law at any time within six (6) years from the date of installation.
If termites are detected in your building you must be able to identify the point in which termites entered your house.
The entry point and the reason for the breach – i.e. Kordon installed incorrectly, Kordon damaged by builder or Kordon product failure – must be confirmed by a qualified timber pest inspector. If it is determined that the termite damage has been caused due to Kordon Product failure contact your builder.