How does Kordon work?
Every year termites cause millions of dollars worth of damage to Australian properties, often because the homeowner is unaware that they even have termites in their home.
Termites build a network of underground tunnels to branch out from their nest in search of food that can extend up to 100 metres away from the nest. The purpose of having Kordon installed in your home is to:
- Form a physical system between your home and the ground.
- Create a layer which deters termites from entering the structure from a concealed entry point.
- Force any termites attacking your home to create external, above-ground tunnels.
- Ensure that if you do have termites in your home or are trying to enter, the signs will be visible to the homeowner or an Envu Accredited Timber Pest Inspector during a termite inspection.
These above-ground tunnels, also known as 'mud tracks', can be spotted easily by an Envu Accredited Timber Pest Inspector during an annual inspection. This will ensure that the presence of termites is discovered early on, which could save homeowners thousands of dollars worth of timber repairs.
Why is Kordon important?
Kordon Termite System is an essential part of the construction of any home, as it protects your home from concealed subterranean entry by termites.
Unfortunately, having a concrete slab isn’t enough to ensure your home is protected from underground termite entry.
Termites can enter your home without detection through:
- Cracks in the concrete slab.
- Rivets or grooves formed at the edge of the slab during the pouring process.
- Travelling through or around pipes sticking through the slab into the soil.
- Tunneling beneath the footing around your home.
- Via brick mortar joints.
- Garden beds that impede the Kordon system.
- Concrete slabs that impede the Kordon system.
This is why it is important to have Kordon installed during the construction of your house as a means of protecting these areas, which could be potential entry points for termites.